Henry James and the Trickster-Fiction


This article develops an approach to the concept of ‘trickster-fiction’ through reading of Henry James’s short stories and nouvelles, with particular attention to the parallel between «The Figure in the Carpet» and «The Beast in the Jungle». In these novels the interpretation of secrecy becomes a central element in the narrative structure, since hermeneutic uncertainty causes an effect of undecidability in connection with the secret that motivates the emplotment of fictional events. From this point of view, the ‘trickster-fiction’ is not a new or special mode of narrative, but a radical explicitation of the tricks and procedures of fantastic literature, and it also constitutes a singular form of the mimetic crisis that characterizes some tendencies of modern literature.
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Cuesta Abad, J. M. (2022). Henry James and the Trickster-Fiction. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 11, 141–162. https://doi.org/10.14201/1616202111141162


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