Glocalization and Use of Space In South Korean Film Adaptations of Foreign Literary Works. The cases of Burning and The Handmaiden


This paper analyzes how the narratives of two Korean contemporary cinema productions based on foreign literary works have given birth to products that continue to articulate themselves around the local and the appeal to a collective national identity following a strategy of glocalization adopted by the South Korean cinema industry. Two recent psychological thrillers that share this characteristic have been selected: Lee Changdong’s Burning (2018) and Park Chan-wook’s The Handmaiden (2016) based on the works of Haruki Murakami and Sarah Waters respectively. Through this essay it is emphasized how both adaptations use the spaces and narrative changes to pursue a glocalization approach that appeals to a shared Korean identity continuing a strategy of «consumer nationalism» which has been intrinsically related to both the film industry in South Korea and the historical development of Korean nationalism. It will be also argued how the two new products that emerge from this cultural translation do not limit themselves to an imitation of the source materials and go beyond them adding new depth and dimensions thus constituting full new works.
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Trigo Maldonado, A. (2022). Glocalization and Use of Space In South Korean Film Adaptations of Foreign Literary Works. The cases of Burning and The Handmaiden. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 11, 203–218.


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