Developing Casanova’s Theory and Methodology: an Assessment of Latin Americanist Critiques in the Academic-Literature-World


Pascale Casanova’s La République mondiale des lettres (1999) received many significant critiques from Latin americanists, and yet, there has been little assessment of the soundness and the consequences of these contentions, to conclude whether Casanovian theory and methodology is worth practising, or whether and how it needs to be developed. In favour of this second alternative, I propose a critical assessment of some of the most predominant arguments, bringing them into dialogue with deeper readings of Casanova’s work once more in relation to their Bourdieusian roots, comparatively with other world literature theories, and as well as making my own suggestions on how to proceed. After having considered these critiques, I reflect back on these discussions to sketch how the structures of Casanova’s literature-world are also applicable to what I call (following her lead) the academic-literature-world.
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Author Biography

Thomas Nulley-Valdés

Australian National University
Associate Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies