Omar’s Game of Chess (about a Persian Quatrain which Borges Admired)

  • Erik Coenen
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid ewcoenen[at]
  • Saideh Ghasemi
    Universidad Alameh Tabatabai


In one of his sonnets, Jorge Luis Borges quotes a sententia which he attributes to Omar Khayy?m, but which in fact derives from one of the liberties taken by Edward FitzGerald in his English translation of the Persian’s quatrains. In this study we minutely analyse the meaning of the original quatrain and then proceed to show how FitzGerald’s translation, as well as, to a lesser degree, Nicholas’ French translation, make their weight felt in many translations into Spanish and other European languages. With our study of the transmission of a single quatrain in the West, we particularize and illustrate the problems involved in the transmission and reception of Khayy?m’s poetry in general.
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  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Coenen, E., & Ghasemi, S. (2020). Omar’s Game of Chess (about a Persian Quatrain which Borges Admired). 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 10, 163–189.


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Author Biographies

Erik Coenen

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Profesor Contratado Doctor, Departamento de Lengua española, Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada

Saideh Ghasemi

Universidad Alameh Tabatabai
Literatura Persa