Greco-Roman Tradition and Animated Film: Iconographic and Intertextual References in Coraline, by Henry Selick (2009)

  • Angélica García Manso
    Universidad de Extremadura angmanso[at]
  • Francisco Javier Tovar Paz
    Universidad de Extremadura


We analyze the importance that has the Classical Tradition for interpreting the H. Selick’s adaptation makes of the text by N. Gaiman on Coraline. The Greco-Roman mythological archetype of the «metempsychosis» (transmigration of souls) and iconography of the needles of the Fates are used as structural motifs of the story, as well as providing a formal reading of the animation process in the film.
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García Manso, A., & Tovar Paz, F. J. (2018). Greco-Roman Tradition and Animated Film: Iconographic and Intertextual References in Coraline, by Henry Selick (2009). 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 7, 295–307. Retrieved from


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