Boris Vian’s Other Voices – Interlingual and Intermedial Translations of L’Écume des Jours and its Reception in the United Kingdom


Boris Vian was a French writer, translator, lyricist, playwright, and critic. Drawing on the model proposed by Andringa (2006), I look at the reception of Vian in the English polysystem. After giving reasons for his late success in France, I turn to the English context and analyse how his work was received by critics writing in British newspapers from 1940 to 1990, comparing his reception to that of related authors. This leads me to investigate the number of intermedial translations of his most famous novel, L’Écume des jours. While in her analysis Andringa does not consider the role played by intermedial translations or adaptations, I argue that a study of an author’s reception needs to go beyond the literary realm and pay attention to these other forms of dissemination, as they played a major role in the establishment of the novel in the English repertoire.
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