When reception goes beyond fiction. A case study of Schlump, by Hans Herbert Grimm


This article aims at comparing the reception of three versions of the same book: two original editions (1928/2014) and the Spanish translation (2014) of Schlump, a novel by Hans Herbert Grimm that remained buried behind a wall for more than 80 years. Starting from the tempestuous historical events that surrounded the publication of Schlump, the following questions shall be addressed: ¿which factors influence the reception of a novel and of its translation in a specific historical context? ¿What role does the author himself play? ¿To what extent can a translation be a synonym for success? ¿What kind of expectations surround the publication of a book rescued from oblivion? The article tries to shed some light on these questions by comparing different text samples (original and translation by the author of this article). Furthermore, especial attention shall be given to different reviews of the book’s first and second edition and of the translation.
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