Belgian Limbourg: Italian people and the «other foreigners» in the Cité de Lindeman


The human relationship between Belgium and Italy, so as also the following immigration flow from Morocco, Turkey, Spain, Greece after the sixties, were more strengthened and enriched after the immigration of women and their children. The exile was a response to build a better future, providing in this way also to a vital contribution for the economic development of Belgium. The immigration experiences are told through personal life stories. Many of these life stories can be read in books about how their ancestors managed their experiences in a new country. Especially the Italian stories include a reflection on the departures of the first generation concerning the adaptation, transformation and identity demonstrated by gestures and habits that still nestles Italianicities of the old migrants of the first immigration inherited by the following generations of immigration children.
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Salsi, S. (2016). Belgian Limbourg: Italian people and the «other foreigners» in the Cité de Lindeman. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 6, 227–240. Retrieved from


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