The manifestos of Surrealism in full sunlight surrealist group in Brussels: a response to the need for separation of orthodoxy Parisian


The record «Le Surréalisme en plein soleil», included in the volume Écrits complets, in which André Blavier compiles texts Belgian painter René Magritte, including three manifestoes through which the surrealist group in Brussels expressed their willingness to respect circle separation surrealist Paris, led by André Breton. To distinguish the Parisian surrealists, the Brussels group granted a new tag that defines his aesthetic and his own philosophy: mentalism. This article is defined as an introduction to the dossier «Le Surréalisme en plein soleil» and the differences between the two groups mentioned, and is presented as a prelude to the translation of the manifestos Brussels for Galicia, the language to translate first time. [Google Translator]
  • Referencias
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BRETON, André. Œuvres complètes. París: Gallimard, 1998.

CANONNE, Xavier. Le Surréalisme en Belgique: 1924-2000. Bruxelas: Fonds Mercator, 2006.

MAGRITTE, René. Écrits Complets / René Magritte. Édition établie et annotée par André Blavier. París: Flammarion, 1979.

MAGRITTE, René. Escritos. Madrid: Síntesis, 2003.

MANGONE, Carlos e Jorge WARLEY. El manifiesto: un género entre el arte y la política. Buenos Aires: Biblos, 1994.

VV. AA. Magritte × 3. Santiago de Compostela: Laiovento, 1993.

TORCZYNER, Harry. Magritte: signos e imágenes. Barcelona: Blume, 1978.
Andrés Padín, T. (2016). The manifestos of Surrealism in full sunlight surrealist group in Brussels: a response to the need for separation of orthodoxy Parisian. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 5, 305–324. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Tamara Andrés Padín

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Facultad de Filología. Campus Norte - Burgo das Nacións Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 15782 Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, España.