Augmented Storytelling


Under the influence of the term augmented reality in the field of new technologies, this essay proposes to symbolize in the augmented storytelling one the exploring of new territories emerged around traditional literary narrative as equally as traditional media, surronding audiovisual new media and new industries and cultural fields that have been formed and are forming around: Enhanced narratives, first, because of the classic adaptation binary processes, the new narratives tend to the formation of galaxies (and even universes) of intermedial and transmedia nature highly productives. But narrative also «augmented» because traditional print adapts to the medium through mutations or intramedial character: as hybridization or as remediation of the other codes, languages, themes and genres. From all this will emerge the mutant phenomenology we intend to address in the work across the study of some significant cases, from (post) novels that appear to be a succession of google screens, new publishing platforms that project multimedia novels or interactive comics (with soundtrack or digital effects built into the text), films with which it is possible to interact through mobile phones, increased narrative projects through AR software, transmedia platforms or Alternate Reality Games (ARG’s) to, this time taking up the most literal analogy with augmented reality announced in the title, wonderbooks reducing the old Gutenberg’s artifact to the status of mere interface of a video game console.
  • Referencias
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Gil González, A. J. (2015). Augmented Storytelling. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 5, 45–74. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio J. Gil González

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Santiago Compostela. Dirección: Av. de Castelao, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, España.