Food And Identity In Laila Wadia And Igiaba Scego


Through the accounts of Laila Wadia and Igiaba Scego the possible relationships between food and identity in Italian migration literature are analysed. Can we construct, change, hide or show others an identity by buying sausages or cooking chicken curry? Is food necessarily an expression of a culture or is it simply a factor in integration, a sense of belonging to a culture? And does this ‘culinary identity’ really identify us? According to the principles of Ayurveda, we are what we eat. But it is also true that we eat what we are, in the sense that what we eat is loaded with cultural connotations. Furthermore, in the context of migrant literature, it seems worthwhile to add that we eat what we would like to be. 
  • Referencias
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Angelini, F. (2015). Food And Identity In Laila Wadia And Igiaba Scego. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 3, 249–257. Retrieved from


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