The Myth Of Pygmalion À La Japonaise: A Study Of Tanizaki Junichirô’s Chijin No Ai Through Intertextuality And Cognitive Psychology


ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze synergic relations among intertextual practices and different cognitive psychology theories applied to literary studies in order to explore a specific case of classical myth Pygmalion’s use: Tanizaki Junichirô’s Chijin no Ai. Starting from George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and through the concepts of transtextuality, intertextuality and interfigurality, among others, as well as cognitive stylistics’ theories such as the metaphor, the schema and the integration theories, we show how the myth’s demythification is executed and a new ideological and literary reading of the myth in the sociocultural context of 1920’s Japan is developed. Finally, we enunciate the changing elements in the film adaptation of Tanizaki’s novel 40 years later in Japan. 
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Chijin no Ai (1967). Director: masumura, Yasuzô. Daiei Studios.

My Fair Lady (1964). Director: cukor, George. Warner Bros.
Arrieta Domínguez, D. (2015). The Myth Of Pygmalion À La Japonaise: A Study Of Tanizaki Junichirô’s Chijin No Ai Through Intertextuality And Cognitive Psychology. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 3, 153–170. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Daniel Arrieta Domínguez

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Filología