Un estudio sobre la evolución de la literatura oceánica china y occidental desde la perspectiva de la comunicación y la teoría de la variación
Resumen Debido a la influencia de factores distintos como los rasgos culturales chinos y occidentales, costumbres y traductores, la variación inevitablemente tiene lugar en el proceso de comunicación e intercambio de la literatura oceánica entre diferentes regiones en China y Occidente. Basado en el resumen de los temas representativos de la literatura oceánica china y occidental, en este artículo se recurre a la teoría de la variación de la literatura comparada para discutir el proceso de la variación y la manifestación del tema en el proceso de la transmisión de la literatura oceánica occidental en China. Además, se analizan las causas de la variación desde aspectos como las tradiciones culturales, los hábitos estéticos y los intereses de apreciación con el objeto de revelar los efectos, referencias e intercambios mutuos de la literatura oceánica china y occidental.
- Referencias
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Cao Shunqing. 2008. «Bian Yi Xue: Bi Jiao Wen Xue Ke Li Lun De Zhong Da Tu Po» [The Variation: The Breakthrough in Theories of Comparative Literature]. ?????? / Journal of Sun Yatsen University-Social Science Edition 4 (2008): 34-40 and 202.
Cao Shunqing, and Li Weitao. 2006. «Bi Jiao Wen Xue Ke Zhong De Wen Xue Bian Yi Xue Yan Jiu» [The Research Field of Literary Variation in Comparative Literature]. ?????? / Journal of Fudan University-Social Science Edition 1 (2006): 79-83 and 114.
Cao Shunqing, and Lu Sihong. 2016. «Bian Yi Xue Yu Dong Xi Fang Shi Hua De Bi Jiao Yan Jiu» [Variation and Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Poetic Criticism]. ???????? / Journal of Anhui Normal University Humanities & Social Science Edition 1 (2016): 17-24.
Cao Shunqing, and Zeng Yi. 2015. «Bian Yi Xue Shi Yu Xia Bi Jiao Wen Xue Kua Wen Ming Yan Jiu De Lei Xing Ji He Fa Xing» [Types and Validity of Cross-Civilization Studies in Comparative Literature from the Perspective of Variation Theory]. ??????/ Journal of Shenzhen University-Humanities & Social Sciences Edition 4: 117-121.
Cao Shunqing, and Zhang Lili. 2014. «Cong Bian Yi Xue De Jiao Du Chong Xin Shen Shi Yi Guo Xing Xiang Yan Jiu» [Reexamine Alien Image Studies from the Perspective of Variation Theory]. ?????? / Journal of Xiangtan University-Philosophy & Social Science Edition 3: 121-25.
Cao Shunqing, and Zhou Jing. 2015. «Cong Bian Yi Xue De Jiao Du Chong Xin Ren Shi Chuan Bo Xue» [Reunderstanding of Communication from the Perspective of the Theory of Variation]. ??? / Today’s Massmedia 12: 4-7.
Cao Xiaoan. 2013. «Zhong Xi Jing Dian Hai Yang Wen Xue Zhu Ti Qian Xi» [An Analysis of the Theme of Chinese and Western Classical Ocean Literature]. ?????? / Journal of Jiaying University 7: 74-76.
Jiao Xiaoting. 2010. «Ren Lei Xue Shi Yu Xia De Hai Yang Wen Xue Tan Jiu» [The Study on Ocean Literature from the Perspective of Anthropology]. ?????? / Journal of HeNan University 4: 108-12.
Li Jianping. 2014. «Zhong Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Zhu Ti Xin Tan» [A New Exploration of the Theme of Chinese Ocean Literature]. ?? [Xiang Chao] 6: 88.
Lu Jiayu. 1988. «Bi Jiao Wen Yi Xue Li Lun Jia: Ri Er Meng Si Ji» [A Comparative Literary Theorist: Zhirmunsky]. ?????? / The Study of Foreign Literature 3: 97-110.
Petrov, Aleksandr (dir.). 1999. The Old Man and the Sea. Pascal Blais Distribution.
Ronald, Susan. 2009. The Pirate Queen: Queen Elizabeth I, Her Pirate Adventure and the Dawn of Empire. Translated by Zhang Wanwei and Zhang Wenting, Beijing: CITIC Press.
Song Min, and Guo Kunrong. 2015. «Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Zuo Pin ‘Lao Ren Yu Hai’ De Zhu Ti Feng Xi Ji Qi Ying Shig Ai Bian» [The Thematic Analysis and Film Adaption Old Man and the Sea in the American Ocean Literature]. ???? / Short Story 17: 47-48.
Sturges, John (dir.). 1958. The Old Man and the Sea. Warner Bros. Pictures, Leland Hayward Productions.
Xia Xiaowei. 2009. «‘Lao Ren Yu Hai’ Xiang Zheng Xing Hai Yang Wen Xue De Jie Zuo» [The Old Man and the Sea: One of the Masterpieces of Symbolistic Maritime Literature]. ???? / Science & Technology Information 5: 238 and 276.
Yang Zhongjv. 2004. «Cong Zi Ran Zhu Yi Dao Xiang Zheng Zhu Yi Dao Sheng Tai Zhu Yi-Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Shu Lue» [From Naturalism to Symbolism and Ecologism: American Literature Review]. ?? / Translations 6: 195-98.
Ye Dongna and Ye Xiangdong. 2010. «Hai Yang Wen Hua Yu Hai Xi Hai Yang Wen Xue De Fa Zhan» [Marine Culture and the Development of Haixi Marine Economy]. ???? / Network Wealth 18: 153-54.
Zhai Xiaona, Shi Mengjiao and Ma Ruixian. 2015. «Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue De Zhu Ti Yan Jiu» [The Theme of Research in the United States Marine Literature]. ??? (????) / The Yalu River (Second Half of the Month) 5: 1591. Zhao Jianhong. 2008. «Sai Yi De ‘Li Lun Lv Xing Yu Yue Jie’ Shuo Tan Suo» [Said’s Theory of «Theoretical Travelling and Transgression»]. ?????? / Contemporary Foreign Literature 1: 20-25.
Zhao Junyao. 2002. «Song Yuan Hai Yang Wen Xue De Shi Dai Te Zheng» [Exploration of the Time Feature of Ocean Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties]. ???? / Journal of Vocational College 1: 19-24.
Zhao Junyao. 2008. «Xian Qin Hai Yang Wen Xue Shi Dai Te Zheng Tan Wei» [Exploration of the Time Feature of Ocean Literature in Pre-Qin Period]. ???? / Journal of Vocational College 2: 12-17.
Zhao Junyao. 2009. «Lun Sui Tang Hai Yang Wen Xue» [Discussion on Ocean Literature in Sui and Tang Dynasties]. ???????? / Journal of Guangdong Ocean University 5: 14-19.
Cao Shunqing, and Li Weitao. 2006. «Bi Jiao Wen Xue Ke Zhong De Wen Xue Bian Yi Xue Yan Jiu» [The Research Field of Literary Variation in Comparative Literature]. ?????? / Journal of Fudan University-Social Science Edition 1 (2006): 79-83 and 114.
Cao Shunqing, and Lu Sihong. 2016. «Bian Yi Xue Yu Dong Xi Fang Shi Hua De Bi Jiao Yan Jiu» [Variation and Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Poetic Criticism]. ???????? / Journal of Anhui Normal University Humanities & Social Science Edition 1 (2016): 17-24.
Cao Shunqing, and Zeng Yi. 2015. «Bian Yi Xue Shi Yu Xia Bi Jiao Wen Xue Kua Wen Ming Yan Jiu De Lei Xing Ji He Fa Xing» [Types and Validity of Cross-Civilization Studies in Comparative Literature from the Perspective of Variation Theory]. ??????/ Journal of Shenzhen University-Humanities & Social Sciences Edition 4: 117-121.
Cao Shunqing, and Zhang Lili. 2014. «Cong Bian Yi Xue De Jiao Du Chong Xin Shen Shi Yi Guo Xing Xiang Yan Jiu» [Reexamine Alien Image Studies from the Perspective of Variation Theory]. ?????? / Journal of Xiangtan University-Philosophy & Social Science Edition 3: 121-25.
Cao Shunqing, and Zhou Jing. 2015. «Cong Bian Yi Xue De Jiao Du Chong Xin Ren Shi Chuan Bo Xue» [Reunderstanding of Communication from the Perspective of the Theory of Variation]. ??? / Today’s Massmedia 12: 4-7.
Cao Xiaoan. 2013. «Zhong Xi Jing Dian Hai Yang Wen Xue Zhu Ti Qian Xi» [An Analysis of the Theme of Chinese and Western Classical Ocean Literature]. ?????? / Journal of Jiaying University 7: 74-76.
Jiao Xiaoting. 2010. «Ren Lei Xue Shi Yu Xia De Hai Yang Wen Xue Tan Jiu» [The Study on Ocean Literature from the Perspective of Anthropology]. ?????? / Journal of HeNan University 4: 108-12.
Li Jianping. 2014. «Zhong Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Zhu Ti Xin Tan» [A New Exploration of the Theme of Chinese Ocean Literature]. ?? [Xiang Chao] 6: 88.
Lu Jiayu. 1988. «Bi Jiao Wen Yi Xue Li Lun Jia: Ri Er Meng Si Ji» [A Comparative Literary Theorist: Zhirmunsky]. ?????? / The Study of Foreign Literature 3: 97-110.
Petrov, Aleksandr (dir.). 1999. The Old Man and the Sea. Pascal Blais Distribution.
Ronald, Susan. 2009. The Pirate Queen: Queen Elizabeth I, Her Pirate Adventure and the Dawn of Empire. Translated by Zhang Wanwei and Zhang Wenting, Beijing: CITIC Press.
Song Min, and Guo Kunrong. 2015. «Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Zuo Pin ‘Lao Ren Yu Hai’ De Zhu Ti Feng Xi Ji Qi Ying Shig Ai Bian» [The Thematic Analysis and Film Adaption Old Man and the Sea in the American Ocean Literature]. ???? / Short Story 17: 47-48.
Sturges, John (dir.). 1958. The Old Man and the Sea. Warner Bros. Pictures, Leland Hayward Productions.
Xia Xiaowei. 2009. «‘Lao Ren Yu Hai’ Xiang Zheng Xing Hai Yang Wen Xue De Jie Zuo» [The Old Man and the Sea: One of the Masterpieces of Symbolistic Maritime Literature]. ???? / Science & Technology Information 5: 238 and 276.
Yang Zhongjv. 2004. «Cong Zi Ran Zhu Yi Dao Xiang Zheng Zhu Yi Dao Sheng Tai Zhu Yi-Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue Shu Lue» [From Naturalism to Symbolism and Ecologism: American Literature Review]. ?? / Translations 6: 195-98.
Ye Dongna and Ye Xiangdong. 2010. «Hai Yang Wen Hua Yu Hai Xi Hai Yang Wen Xue De Fa Zhan» [Marine Culture and the Development of Haixi Marine Economy]. ???? / Network Wealth 18: 153-54.
Zhai Xiaona, Shi Mengjiao and Ma Ruixian. 2015. «Mei Guo Hai Yang Wen Xue De Zhu Ti Yan Jiu» [The Theme of Research in the United States Marine Literature]. ??? (????) / The Yalu River (Second Half of the Month) 5: 1591. Zhao Jianhong. 2008. «Sai Yi De ‘Li Lun Lv Xing Yu Yue Jie’ Shuo Tan Suo» [Said’s Theory of «Theoretical Travelling and Transgression»]. ?????? / Contemporary Foreign Literature 1: 20-25.
Zhao Junyao. 2002. «Song Yuan Hai Yang Wen Xue De Shi Dai Te Zheng» [Exploration of the Time Feature of Ocean Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties]. ???? / Journal of Vocational College 1: 19-24.
Zhao Junyao. 2008. «Xian Qin Hai Yang Wen Xue Shi Dai Te Zheng Tan Wei» [Exploration of the Time Feature of Ocean Literature in Pre-Qin Period]. ???? / Journal of Vocational College 2: 12-17.
Zhao Junyao. 2009. «Lun Sui Tang Hai Yang Wen Xue» [Discussion on Ocean Literature in Sui and Tang Dynasties]. ???????? / Journal of Guangdong Ocean University 5: 14-19.
Xie, M., & Zhao, Q. (2018). Un estudio sobre la evolución de la literatura oceánica china y occidental desde la perspectiva de la comunicación y la teoría de la variación. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 8, 69–83. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1616_Anuario_Literatura_Comp/article/view/20724
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