War and Mercenaries: Crisis in the Recruitment of Foreign Soldiers for the Spanish Bourbonic Army in the Second Half of the 18th Century


In the second half of the 18th century the Bourbonic army experimented several changes that lead to the reduction of its foreign component. However, the use of soldiers from other nations survived: it had to evolve towards the combination of private and State agents, which explains the coexistence of four systems for the provision of soldiers from outside the Iberian Peninsula: the general recruitment in Parma, the private entrepeneurs in Genoa, the recruitment of the Waloon Guards and that of the Swiss regiments. After a brief historiographical syhthesis on the foreign component in the Spanish army of the 18th, in this work we develop the combination of these systems from 1748 until the end of the century, when the Swiss option was intensified. We also point out different projects proposed in order to adapt the need for foreign troops at each juncture.
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