The Historiographical Representation of Spanish Naval Warfare during the Long xviiith Century: Tactical and Strategic Thought, Historical Navalism and Naval Historiography in the xxist Century


The subject of the present essay is the historiographical representation of Spanish naval warfare in the long xviiith century, based the theoretical separation of the concept of «strategy» from the previous, wider concept of «tactics». It aims at showing the origins of Spanish late xviiith?century definition of «naval strategy», conceived as a scientific method for the planning of naval operations based on the study of history. It also traces the influence of strategic studies in Spanish naval historiography during the xixth and xxth centuries as well as its connection with the international development of military and naval historiography during the xxist century.
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Valdez‑Bubnov, I. (2020). The Historiographical Representation of Spanish Naval Warfare during the Long xviiith Century: Tactical and Strategic Thought, Historical Navalism and Naval Historiography in the xxist Century. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 21, 235–267.


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