The Evolution of the Consumption Patterns of the Valencian Families. An Approximation to the Changes of Behavior in the 18th Century


In the most dynamic areas of Western Europe the so-called revolution of the consumption did his appearance at the end of the seventeenth century. Also in Mediterranean Spain significant changes took place in the acquisitive guidelines of the families, derivatives of the exceptional economic development experienced along the 18th century. Changes that we doubt to qualify of revolutionaries, since they respond to a progressive process in which multiple variables intervene, and that in our opinion we consider that the term that best characterizes this period is the evolution of consumption. The documentary base used in this comparative study is a set of dowry deeds distributed between rural and urban areas. And the attention has been focused on the dress, which besides being the article with the highest representation in this type of documents, is the best example as an indicator of family consumption (Veblen dixit). 
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Rosado Calatayud, L. M. (2019). The Evolution of the Consumption Patterns of the Valencian Families. An Approximation to the Changes of Behavior in the 18th Century. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 20, 417–442.


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