Translators and teachers of languages: grammars and vocabularies, Francisco de la Torre y Ocón (1728-1731)


The 18th Century has not been studied in depth by experts on Historical Linguistics. However, this is a fruitful and important period in the history of dictionaries as far as lexicography is concerned. The present paper focuses on the lexicographer and translator Francisco de la Torre y Ocón (1660-1725) and his work El maestro de las dos lenguas. Diccionario español y francés en dos tomos. (1726-1728). The work by this renowned author will be analyzed within the framework of its historical and linguistic period (first half of the 18th Century). His approach to lexicography will be similarly analyzed with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of bilingual (French-Spanish) lexicography.
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Cazorla Vivas, M. del C. (2013). Translators and teachers of languages: grammars and vocabularies, Francisco de la Torre y Ocón (1728-1731). Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 13, 51–73. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

M.ª del Carmen Cazorla Vivas

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Filología, Dpto. Lengua española, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada. Edificio D, 1ª planta. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - 28040 Madrid (España)