The Cortes of Cádiz in the first half of 19th Century Spanish Literature: Poetry (1810-1840)


In this article the author traces an outline of how literature portrayed the Cortes of Cádiz and their significance. After a brief presentation of the Cortes of Cádiz as a literary topic between 1810 and 1978; this article focuses on the perspective of poetic texts during the first half of the 19th Century; from the cultured creations of Quintana and Sánchez Barbero to Romantic authors such as the Duke of Rivas and the creations José Joaquín de Mora: an attempt is made to determine what persisted of the view of those events in the literature written during the Spanish Revolution and what was new in the literature written between 1814 and 1840 about the Cortes of Cádiz after it had ended.
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Romero Ferrer, A. (2012). The Cortes of Cádiz in the first half of 19th Century Spanish Literature: Poetry (1810-1840). Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 12, 123–141. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alberto Romero Ferrer

Universidad de Cádiz
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Paseo Dr. Gómez Ulla, 1, 11003, Cádiz, Cádiz