In favor of a moderate alternative. The pro-french and their relation to the Constitution of 1812


The present article attempts to show how the pro-French ele- ments, the afrancesados, viewed the Constitution of 1812: from the moment of its genesis, defending their own political alternative; at its birth, with judgments con- temporary to its promulgation; and their coexistence with this text in the periods in which the Constitution of Cadiz prevailed. The article focuses especially on the successive attempts to reform this Constitution towards moderation, in which the old josefinos played a special leading role.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
López Tabar, J. (2012). In favor of a moderate alternative. The pro-french and their relation to the Constitution of 1812. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 12, 79–100. Retrieved from


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Juan López Tabar

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c/ Navas de Tolosa 3, 1° dcha. 31002, Pamplona Navarra (España)