The Nation as seen in Las Cortes. Ideas and issues concerning the Spanish nation 1808-1814


In the early 19th Century Spain had a strong and abiding ethnonational identity. Intellectual and political elites were well aware of this identity and their statements reflected it when the political crisis began in 1808. For this reason there was widespread and unequivocal unanimity in labeling the war against Napoleon’s armies as a «War of Independence». When the Cortes met, more politically elaborated versions of the national past emerged, and not always reconcilable assumptions about the political and religious effects of the national identity were at stake.
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Castro, D. (2012). The Nation as seen in Las Cortes. Ideas and issues concerning the Spanish nation 1808-1814. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 12, 37–66. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Demetrio Castro

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Universidad Pública de Navarra - Campus Arrosadia - 31006 Pamplona