That perverse second skin: ethics, aesthetics and politics in dress according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Rousseau’s influence on Western culture in the second half of the eighteenth century was particularly important because the ability to translate his generic philosophical concepts to specific areas of everyday life. A prime plot in which he did was to design clothes, where he refused the luxury and fashion in the name of a rustic aesthetic. This rustic aesthetic was the manifestation of a social and political change. The society constantly hinders us, especially when it says us how we must dress. In uses like this are based authoritarian political systems. This aesthetic transformation, therefore, especially in the case of women’s fashion and clothing for children, leading a deeper transformation of modern society, based on a freer socialization and the establishment of the Republic.
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López Lloret, J. (2012). That perverse second skin: ethics, aesthetics and politics in dress according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 11, 235–270. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jorge López Lloret

Universidad de Sevilla
Facultad de Filosofía. C/ Camilo José Cela, s/n. - 41018 – Sevilla (España)