The Spanish War of Independence in Spanish Literature (1814-1914)
Abstract The author, who in earlier works studied how the narrative and drama produced after the Spanish War of Independence transmitted the events of that war and the image of its protagonists, now traces in this article an outline of how literature portrayed that war and its significance, without going into the formal aspects of the works or other issues already dealt with in prior studies. After a brief presentation of the War of Independence as a literary topic between 1814 and 1914, this article focuses on three aspects: what persisted of the view of those occurrences with respect to the literature written during the war; what changed since 1814 in their transmission, and what was new in the literature about the war written after it had ended.
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Freire López, A. M. (2009). The Spanish War of Independence in Spanish Literature (1814-1914). Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 8, 267–278. Retrieved from
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