Regarding the Modern Virtue of Considering the Common good over one’s own Interests: Dreams and other Literary Devices in «Los paseos de la verdad» by Fernández de Lizardi


His article studies the presence of dreams as a recurring narrative element in the work of Fernández de Lizardi, and in particular in Los paseos de la verdad, published in five excerpts in 1815 in the Alacena de Frioleras, in imitation of the Sueños of torres Villarroel. Emphasis is placed on the moralizing intention of the author and the linking of dreams to the constitution of an ideal that of a new nation built upon a synthesis of the best ideas of the age, be they traditional or modern.
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Terán Elizondo, M. I. (2011). Regarding the Modern Virtue of Considering the Common good over one’s own Interests: Dreams and other Literary Devices in «Los paseos de la verdad» by Fernández de Lizardi. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 10, 263–290. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

M.ª Isabel Terán Elizondo

Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas – UAZ. Jardín Juárez 147 Centro Histórico, C.P. 98000 - Zacatecas (México)