Two Twin Judgements of Cienfuegos


Manuel eduardo de Gorostiza, in London after the constitutional triennium, signed four articles about Spanish theatre in The New Monthly Magazine using just the letter «G». At the end of that same year, 1824, an author signing with an «M», in all likelihood Prosper Mérimée, published a set of articles in Le Globe in Paris regarding the same topic. these were literal translations of those written by Gorostiza about cienfuegos, but his authorship is not mentioned.
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Andioc, R. (2011). Two Twin Judgements of Cienfuegos. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 10, 111–117. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

René Andioc

Université de Perpignan
Département d'Etudes ibériques et latino-américaines Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines Université de Perpignan 52, Avenue de Villeneuve 66 860 Perpignan (Francia)