Lyricism, Sensibility, and Morality in the Enlightenment Inspiration of Cienfuegos’ Tragedies


This article studies cienfuegos’ tragedies (Idomeneo, Zoraida, La condesa de Castilla, Pítaco) as the dramatic continuation of certain poetic and spiritual anxieties that the poet underwent during the period he spent in Salamanca. themes that appeared earlier in his poems now reappear in the tragedies (written while he lived in Madrid) and are placed in the mouths of characters who express on stage their deepest longings and concerns: the humanitarian impulse, faith in equality and fraternity, life in harmony with nature. this reflects a sensibility clearly in synch with enlightenment thought, and should not be associated with Romanticism.
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Froldi, R. (2011). Lyricism, Sensibility, and Morality in the Enlightenment Inspiration of Cienfuegos’ Tragedies. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 10, 59–73. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rinaldo Froldi

Università di Bologna
Centro Studi sul Settecento Spagnolo. Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere. Università di Bologna. Via Cartoleria 5 40124 – Bologna (Italia)