Sor Teresa Juliana de Santo Domingo, «Chicaba», or Writing on the Other’s Skin


Sor Teresa Juliana de Santo Domingo, Chicaba was the first Black writer in Spanish. She was a nun in Salamanca during the 18th Century who wrote about her religious life. Her text was used by Juan Carlos Paniagua to write a hagiography. The aim of this articvle is to comment on Paniagua’s text in relation to the religious tradition of the time, especially of women. The relationship between women-writing-skin is decisive.
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Ferrús Antón, B. (2010). Sor Teresa Juliana de Santo Domingo, «Chicaba», or Writing on the Other’s Skin. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 9, 181–192. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Beatriz Ferrús Antón

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona