Elemental images of Spain in 18th Century French culture: from material culture to public opinion


The aim of this article is to illustrate certain possibilities of adaptation of literary studies to the field of «material history» as defined in the work of Fernand Braudel («material civilization») and particularly Jean-Marie Pesez in the collective work coordinated by J. Le Goff, La nouvelle histoire (1998). It thus traces, with commentary, certain elemental images of Spain (plants, fruit, wool, horses, wine, not to mention the symbolic product, gold) that may have gone through a process of literaturization, but above all, of «socialization», in «literary» works and texts (ranging from the article in the Encyclopedie to the descriptive poetry so much in vogue during the Enlightenment). In spite of the fragmentation of the inquiry, a gradual reformulation of the essential bases of a «social imagery» is being made that should serve a broader study of (French) «public opinion» when faced with a foreign culture (Spanish culture).
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Pageaux, D.-H. (2010). Elemental images of Spain in 18th Century French culture: from material culture to public opinion. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 9, 105–117. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7914/article/view/7010


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Daniel-Henri Pageaux

Sorbonne Nouvelle / Paris III
Sorbonne Nouvelle / Paris III