The Dissemination of Archaeology and the Archaeological Heritage of Andalusia Through Illustrated travel Literature


Although the Iberian Peninsula was off the circuits of the Grand Tour, Andalusia was especially attractive for the British, French and Moslem travellers who crossed its lands, admiring its rich historical Roman and Islamic past, which was described in their travel writings. These were the first pre-Romantic works that made known Andalusia’s archaeological heritage to the whole of Europe.
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Salas Álvarez, J. (2010). The Dissemination of Archaeology and the Archaeological Heritage of Andalusia Through Illustrated travel Literature. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 9, 79–103. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jesús Salas Álvarez

Sociedad Española de Historia de la Arqueología
Sociedad Española de Historia de la Arqueología (SEHA)