Figurative lights: Images of Techno-Scientific slides and Secularization in Spain during the 18th Century


This paper asembles and studies a set of iconological representations linked to technical and scientific transformations during the eighteenth Century in Spain, reading them in a dialectic between modern science, Enlightenment policies and popular culture. After analyzing the emergence of representations both of science and scientists according to the process of institutionalizing science as a socio-professional language, two specific eighteenth century technologies are studied: magic lanterns and aerostats. By interpreting their first images and their infiltration into popular and official speeches and the imagination of the moment, it is argued that in those images a tale of demo-Enlightenment is expressed, a tale about secularization and progress as a collective aesthetic experience.
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Labrador Méndez, G. (2010). Figurative lights: Images of Techno-Scientific slides and Secularization in Spain during the 18th Century. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 9, 49–78. Retrieved from


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