“Horror of tyranny and absolute or arbitrary power”. Politics and Literature in the Context of the Radical Enlightenment: the Circle of Pierre Bayle


The group of intellectuals who maintained some kind of link with Pierre Bayle in Holland, mostly French and English political or religious exiles, constitute a constellation of relationships that explains the great importance of the ideas and attitudes that germinated in the Netherlands at the end of the 17th century in the sphere of influence of Spinoza and Pierre Bayle. In turn, the influence developed by the members of this circle on the men of letters in France, Germany, Italy and, in particular, England and Scotland was to have notable consequences for the literature and art of the Enlightenment.
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Martínez Mata, E. (2022). “Horror of tyranny and absolute or arbitrary power”. Politics and Literature in the Context of the Radical Enlightenment: the Circle of Pierre Bayle. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 23, 325–350. https://doi.org/10.14201/cuadieci202223325350


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