The figure of Timoteo O’Scanlan: a revision


Logan (1964) and Parrilla Hermida (1980) are the authors of what have become to be the referential publications on the life and work of Timoteo O’Scanlan in English and Spanish respectively. However, recent scholarship both on the general contextual background of Irish emigration to Spain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and more specifically on or connected with O’Scanlan are showing these works to be in need of major revision. The present article undertakes such a revision and –on a basis of new archive information, close analysis of O’Scanlan’s writings and the scholarship in the field generally and specifically– it will correct errors, fill in gaps and provide new information. All of these give a much more comprehensive analysis of the figure of Timoteo O’Scanlan and his role in eighteenth-century Spanish medicine, science and culture.
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Author Biography

Michael Christopher White Hayes

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Catedrático de Escuela Universitaria (Jubilado)Facultad de Comercio y Turismo,Avenida de Filipinas 3,28003 Madrid.