The French Emigrants and the Evolution of Frenchification in Spain


With the Spanish Bourbons, there was a gradual introduction of Gallic cultural forms that gave rise to Frenchification, or cultural afrancesamiento, which was supported by most of the enlightened elite. The continual upheavals of the French Revolution and of the War of the Pyrenees were to change Spanish life in several of its facets, due in particular to the French emigrants. These exiles –above all, the clergymen– instilled in the popular classes a counterrevolutionary feeling that the Spanish clergy was to turn into a resentment of the French with religious and xenophobic overtones. Such latent prejudices were to reappear in 1808, in part helping to explain the forceful anti-Napoleonic reaction. The afrancesados supported the new Napoleonic Monarchy for political reasons with the purpose of regenerating the country. French residents in Spain from long before had to endure the anger of their Spanish neighbours at the beginning of the war as well as live under the cloak of suspicion.
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Lara López, E. L. (2016). The French Emigrants and the Evolution of Frenchification in Spain. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 17, 243–273.


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Author Biography

Emilio Luis Lara López

Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria El Valle
Jaén, 1968Doctor en Antropología por la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).Licenciado en Humanidades con Premio Extraordinario de Grado por la Universidad de Jaén.Premio Nacional Fin de Carrera.Profesor de Geografía e Historia de Enseñanza Secundaria (IES El Valle, Jaén)Mis principales líneas de investigación son: los afrancesados y la Guerra de la Independencia, la crisis del Antiguo Régimen, la religiosidad popular y el uso de la fotografía como documento histórico (mis trabajos están incluidos en la bada de datos DIALNET).