Green, Gray and White. Nature and Architecture in the Maps of Catastro de Ensenada and the sketches of Diccionario Geográfico by Tomás López


As opposed to the grey line that defines public and private space of cohabitation, and the colour white that takes us to marginal, unproductive or inaccessible spaces, we find in these images the colour green as an expression of that remote sensibility –almost magical– which links man with nature. The study of the colour, lines and composition of the maps that appear in the Respuestas Generales of the Catastro de Ensenada and the sketches sent by the pastors of the different Spanish cities to the geographer Tomás López, in this article I analyse.
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Ortega Chinchilla, M. J. (2016). Green, Gray and White. Nature and Architecture in the Maps of Catastro de Ensenada and the sketches of Diccionario Geográfico by Tomás López. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 17, 149–185.


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Author Biography

María José Ortega Chinchilla

Universidade Nova de Lisboa-Universidade dos Açores
CHAM (Centro de História d’Além e d’Aquém Mar)Faculdade Ciências Sociais e Humanas