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Author Guidelines

Cuadernos Dieciochistas, revista de la Sociedad de Española de Estudios del Siglo XVII, came into being as a channel of expression for scholars of this period, with no limitations other than the Editorial Board’s approval. This journal respects the authors’ intellectual freedom, but does not necessarily support their opinions.

Authors will send their article proposals in Word or any other compatible format through «eUSAL Revistas» OJS, previous registration on the site. They must also make sure they do not already have a profile, to avoid duplicates.

The articles must be unpublished, preferably in Spanish, and will not exceed 15,000 words, including tables, diagrams, maps, notes and bibliography. Each article must be preceded by the title and subtitle (if any) in Spanish and English, name and surname of the author/authors, their academic institution, e-mail address, and ORCID URL. Please bear in mind that personal data should be omitted in the first submission in order to enable anonymous peer review. The author must send, along with the article, a short 10-line abstract (150 words maximum) in Spanish and English. Content descriptors or keywords (maximum of 6) should be included right after.

The text will be fully justified, the first line of each paragraph indented, with single spacing and no spaces between paragraphs, except before and after long citations. The main text will be typed in a 12-point font; long citations (of more than three lines) and the bibliography in an 11-point font; and footnotes in a 10-point font. These will be numbered consecutively using Arabic characters. They will be superscripted and placed before the punctuation marks. The first line of the text in each footnote will be indented.

Spanish or angular quotation marks will be used for short quotations («»). Successively, for quotations within these, the double quotation marks (“”) and single quotation marks (‘’). Em dashes (—) will be used with a parenthetical value and in order to mark enumerations or dialogues.

The modernization of spelling for literal quotes or bibliographical references is left to the authors’ discretion, who must be consistent throughout the manuscript. Other than that, authors will follow the RAE’s current regulations.

The title and possible subtitle of the article will be written in capital letters in Spanish, followed by the English version in round font, aligned to the left. The headings of the different sections will also be aligned to the left, numbered in Arabic. The first level of heading will be written using small capital letters, whereas the subsequent levels will be in round font and numbered consecutively, starting with 1. Periods will always be used to separate the numbers that indicate the division of different levels.

Tables, images, graphs and maps will be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers. They will have a short title that identifies it, as well as the sources. Authors must check the images’ copyright.

Italics will only be used for emphasis.

The most common abbreviations are: p. and pp. for pages, n.º for numbers, f. and ff. for folios.

Bibliographical references will always be placed at the end of the text, in a separate section, which may be subdivided into primary sources and secondary bibliography. French indentation will be used.

  • When citing more than one work by the same author with the same year of publication, letters a, b, c, etc. will be used after the year.
  • In foreign titles, the spelling conventions of each language will be followed.
  • Manuscripts, contemporary press and material from archives in general must contain the usual information that facilitates their location. For example:
    • Actas de la Academia de Letras Humanas de Sevilla del periodo 1793-1797, ms. A 333/209, Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Sevilla.
    • AHN, Estado, legajo 2847.
    • BNE, Ms. 20156, n.º 51.
    • Gaceta de Madrid, n.º 32, April 30, 1769; n.º 44, October 29, 1771; n.º 9, March 3, 1778.

The corresponding citations in the body of the text for these references should be made in a clear and concise way. Authors may use acronyms, which will be explained the first time they are mentioned.

  • Printed documents obtained from repositories will be cited like any other reference, without indicating the internet address. In the case of digital documents and journals, the corresponding URL or (preferably) the DOI will be included at the end without the date of access. This will only be indicated in less stable sources, such as personal blogs.

As a general rule, references will include the following information whenever possible, according to the type of document:

  • Monographic studies: Surnames, Name (Year of publication), Title, [volume], [Name Surname/s (ed.)], [trad. Name Surname/s], [Numer edition], Place: editor [(Collection, number)].

Ameneiros Rodríguez, Rocío (2015), La biblioteca de Martín Sarmiento: recepción de la Ilustración en España, Universidade da Coruña, Departamento de Humanidades (Teses de doutoramento, 1713) [Repositorio da Universidade da Coruña:].

Vasari, Giorgio (2004), Las vidas de los más excelentes arquitectos, pintores y escultores italianos desde Cimabue a nuestros tiempos, Luciano Bellosi and Aldo Rossi (eds.), trad. Helena Aguilà, 3rd ed., Madrid: Cátedra.

If only part of a complete collection is referred to, authors will cite all relevant information. For example:

Farge, Arlette y Zemon Davis, Natalie (dirs.) (2000), Del Renacimiento a la Edad Moderna. Historia de las mujeres en Occidente, vol. 3, Georges Duby and Michelle Perrot (dirs.), trad. Marco Aurelio Galmarini, Madrid: Taurus.

Feijoo, Benito Jerónimo (2018), «La elocuencia es naturaleza y no arte», en Obras completas III. Cartas eruditas y curiosas…, carta 6, t. II, Inmaculada Urzainqui, Eduardo San José Vázquez and Rodrigo Olay Valdés (eds.), Oviedo: Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII / Ayuntamiento de Oviedo / KRK Ediciones, pp. 90-103.

  • Journal articles: Surname/s, Name (Year of publication), «Title of the article», Title of the Journal, issue (volume), pages.

Chartier, Roger (1998), «Prácticas de sociabilidad. Salones y espacio público en el siglo XVIII», Studia Historica. Historia Moderna, 19, pp. 67-83.

Molina, Álvaro and Vega, Jesusa (2018), «Adorno y representación: escenarios cotidianos de vida a finales del siglo XVIII en Madrid», Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 19, pp. 139-166,

  • Chapters in monographs: Surname/s, Name (Year of publication), «Title», in Name Surname/s (ed.), Title [volume], [edition number], Place: editor, pp. of the chapter.

Álvarez de Miranda, Pedro (1997), «Los proyectos enciclopédicos en el siglo XVIII español», in Ángel Vaca Lorenzo (ed.), Europa: Proyecciones y percepciones históricas. Octavas Jornadas de Estudios Históricos organizadas por el Departamento de Historia Medieval, Moderna y Contemporánea, 1ª ed., Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, pp. 87-106.

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, María (2006), «Las modalidades literarias en la prensa de las Cortes de Cádiz: el caso de El Procurador General de la Nación y del Rey (1812-1813)», in Marieta Cantos Casenave, Fer­nando Durán López y Alberto Romero Ferrer (eds.), La Guerra de Pluma. Estudios sobre la prensa de Cádiz en el tiempo de las Cortes (1810-1814). Tomo I. Imprentas, Literatura y Periodismo, Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 305-385.


In-text references will follow the Harvard referencing style (Surname/s, year: page). Footnotes that only include bibliographical references must be avoided.

Reviews will be preceded by a paragraph containing the bibliographical reference. The format and the provided data must be the same as in the monographic studies, indicating the number of pages of the volume as well. Footnotes will not be used. The author will include only their name and surname/s at the end of the review.

Cuadernos Dieciochistas will acknowledge receipt of originals within a period of thirty working days after their reception, and the Editorial Board will decide on their publication within a period of six months.

When sending back the final file that will be used in the editing process, all changes derived from the reviewers’ recommendations should be highlighted in red to facilitate their verification. The authors will receive only one editing proof. They commit themselves to correct the proofs and not to add any variations or significant additions in a 15-day period from the day it is handed over to them.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.