An intermediate source between the «Etymologies» of Isidore of Seville and the early medieval glossary «Agrestia et siluestria animalia»


The early medieval glossary Agrestia et siluestria animalia is a collection of excerpts of two texts, the Peri dietis Theodori and the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville. This paper identifies an intermediate source between Isidore and a passage of the glossary. Thus, there is a possibility that other entries of the Agrestia and siluestria animalia have their origin in lost intermediate sources or ones that have yet to be discovered.
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Author Biography

Arsenio Ferraces Rodríguez

Universidade da Coruña
Departamento de Filología Española y Latina.Profesor Titular de UniversidadÁrea: Filología LatinaDespacho: 212Teléfono: 981167000 (ext. 1760)