The prefatory epigram from Martial to Sidonius Apollinaris


This paper considers some examples of prefatory epigram in the works of martial, optatianus Porphyrius, ausonius, in the aenigmata Symphosii and in Sidonius apollinaris. The focus is especially on the epigrams placed in limine libelli with a “publishing” purpose in order to give the lector all the exegetical tools suitable for a deeper grasp of the introduced text. The survey of the selected poems aims at following out the development of this particular epigrammatic typology, showing the concurrence of conservative and innovative phenomena as regards the contents, the form, the functions and the literary feature.
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Author Biography

Claudio Buongiovanni

universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Corso Umberto I, 80138 Napoli (Italia)