A review of the Find-Places of the Linear B Tablets from the Palace of Knossos
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- Richard J. Firth, Evans' missing batch of Linear B Tablets , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 35 (2000): VOL. 36 (2001)
- Richard J. Firth, José L. Melena, 22 Joins and Quasi-Joins of Fragments of Linear B Tablets from Knossos , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 37 (2002): VOL. 38 (2003)
- Richard J. Firth, José L. Melena, The Knossos Tablets: Genesis of the 5000-Series , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 35 (2000): VOL. 36 (2001)
- Richard J. Firth, Find-Places of the Wm Nodules from Knossos , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 37 (2002): VOL. 38 (2003)
- Richard J. Firth, Marie-Louise B. Nosch, Scribe 103 and the Mycenaean Textile Industry at Knossos: the Lc(1) and Od(1)-Sets , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 37 (2002): VOL. 38 (2003)
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