Some of Unamuno’s Female Translators: Sororal Reflections

  • Leslie J. Harkema
    Baylor University


  This article analyzes the role of women in the translation and international dissemination of Unamuno’s work during the writer’s life and in the first decades following his death. Taking the corpus of letters from female translators conserved in the Unamuno archive as its starting point, it discusses several representative cases among them, divided into three groups. It first comments on missed opportunities: letters that go unanswered, contacts that are lost, and translations that are never published. The article then highlights two French translators, Emma Clouard and Mathilde Pomès, who each published several translations of Unamuno’s work in addition to developing friendships with him. Finally, it considers the role of two North American women, Eleanor L. Turnbull and Margaret T. Rudd, in the mediation of Unamuno’s work and image in the United States after his death.
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