Letters written by four republican lawyers to Miguel de Unamuno (1920-1936)


The article collects several letters addressed to Miguel de Unamuno by some of the most outstanding politicians in the Spanish Second Republic. They were found in Unamuno's private archive held at the Casa - Museo Unamuno in Salamanca and had never been published before. It is interesting to go through this mail not only to understand Unamuno's political thought but also to know in depth the arrival and development of the Republic. The letters deal with many different matters, going from private comments to opinions on the political moment, book reviews, help for friends in the exile and support in political acts. They were written by Luis Jiménez de Asúa, Angel Ossorio y Gallardo, Felipe Sánchez Román and Alvaro de Albornoz —a short biography on each of them has been attached to the article. They all were lawyers as well as professors at University. This is the reason why they were a group mainly linked to the middle class whose interests they always tended to underline. The letters were written between 1920 and 1936, one of the most interesting periods in the recent Spanish history, since it covers the fall of the Restauración, Primo de Rivera's dictatorship and the birth of the Republic. From April 1931 onwards, they left apart some of their professional tasks in order to take part in politics by their speeches in the Parliament and by creating different political parties.
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Author Biography

Iciar Fernández Marrón

Fundación EDE
Simón Bolivar 8 B. 48010 Bilbao