Unamuno and the Barcelona Journal La Ilustración Obrera (1904-1906). (Seven Unpublished articles)


ABSTRACT: The object of this work was to gather and comment on the unpusblished writings that Miguel de Unamuno wrote for the Barcelona Journal La llustración Obrera (1904-1906). The aim of this journal was in full agreement with Unamuno's own ideas at that time: the fight for indigenous, popular and lay reform (wich meant educating and enlightening the people) which would situate Spain at the level of the more advanced European countries.
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Author Biography

Manuel María Urrutia León

Universidad de Deusto
Dpto. Trabajo Social y Sociología. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Universidad de Deusto, Avda. de las Universidades 24 - 48007 Bilbao (España)