Proposed Reform of Organ Transplantation and Blood Donation in the Face of the New Techno-Scientific Reality


Although the transmission of cancer from the donor of an organ to the recipient has been known since 1971, today many more cases have been described. Along with this surprising fact, it must also be taken into account that, thanks to the possibilities offered by science and biotechnology, it is known that currently at least 5% of newborns are born with genetic susceptibility to developing cancer. Of this surprising percentage, only one child in 100 eventually ends up developing the disease. This new reality, relative to individuals with genetic susceptibility to developing cancer, together with the scientific evidence that shows that there is a certain risk of transmission of said susceptibility through an organ transplant or blood donation, makes it necessary to review the legal regulations about organ transplantation and blood donation. This work proposes how to accommodate this new scientific reality within the current legal framework that regulates organ transplantation and blood donation.
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