The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in Mexico and its Main International Legal Challenges


Globalization has increased the exchange of goods and services, however, in recent years, the covid-19 pandemic has also helped increase the mobilization of capital through virtual platforms around the world; It is clear that the lack of regulation on cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin is generating an increase in money laundering due to the vulnerability of local legislation and increases tax evasion according to International Organizations. Using the historical, analytical and documentary method, the legislation of Mexico, its legal treatment regarding virtual currencies, as well as the upcoming changes in legal systems are analyzed. It is urgent and necessary to regulate virtual currencies in the laws of countries to inhibit these practices, strengthen transparency and accountability through international treaties, unify criteria on cybersecurity to adress anonymity and protect personal data. The internet is revolutionizing international finance and the world economy, bitcoin is a clear example of this and how it can be used for ilicit activities due to its lack of regulation.
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Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos

Ley Fintech

Código Fiscal de la Federación

Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta

Ley del Valor Agregado

Ley Federal para la prevención e identificación de operaciones con recursos de procedencia ilícita
Tirado Gálvez, R. A. (2024). The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in Mexico and its Main International Legal Challenges. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 12(1), 185–211.


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