Judicial Analysis of the Offence of Administrative Malfeasance


This doctrinal article provides a judicial analysis about the administrative prevarication. A precept is that among the crimes against the Public Administration. In the first instance, the special features necessary for the penal action to occur are described and subsequently a sample of fifty convictions issued by the Supreme Court are examined. Therefore, the research method used is a study of cases. The dependent variable or object investigated, the administrative prevarication tries to be explained by the type of institution affected, independent variable. Therefore, it is intended to demonstrate the hypothesis that this type of criminal conduct finds a higher payment within local entities, municipalities. Institutions more prone to the arbitrary use of power.
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Melián, I. (2023). Judicial Analysis of the Offence of Administrative Malfeasance. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 11(1), 43–59. https://doi.org/10.14201/AIS20231114359


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Author Biography

Ibiza Melián

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Doctoranda por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, en la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. Máster Universitario en Derecho de las Administraciones Públicas. Graduada en Derecho. Máster en Comunicación Política y Empresarial. Concejal municipal del 14 de junio del 2003 hasta mayo de 2015. Página web personal: https://ibizamelian.com/, donde se pueden consultar el resto de datos biográficos, libros, conferencias y papers.