Transparency and Algorithmic Efficiency in an «Strong A.I.» Scenario: Towards an Imminent Paradigm Change in Legal Science?


This work is based on the triple idea that since the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the world has been going through a process of revolution due to the disruption of A.I.; or, A.I. itself is in an extraordinary (revolutionary) state of development. This state of A.I. coexists with a state of normality of legal science, which is immersed in a prolonged stage of stability. Finally, as a result of the interaction of both disciplines, A.I. applied to law - a nascent branch - is in a pre-scientific state, in an experimental phase, since several systems of shared assumptions are in dispute: no one doubts in affirming that A.I. will be an auxiliary tool in the field of legal science, but there are those who go further, postulating the need or convenience of A.I. occupying a more central and less peripheral place in the legal world. If these latter claims prevail, the branch (A.I. applied to law) would end up being identified with the trunk (legal science), thus inaugurating the validity of a new paradigm in the legal world.
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del Cerro, M. (2023). Transparency and Algorithmic Efficiency in an «Strong A.I.» Scenario: Towards an Imminent Paradigm Change in Legal Science?. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 10(2), 11–26.


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