The arbitration on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) and the Madrid Stock Exchange (BME)


The stock exchanges represent the main business desk in the modern world. They also serve as a thermometer that indicates the plans, fears and actions of the investor in this environment. More than relevant, implementations of practices that provide security and investor support are essential, as well as providing quick and technical responses to companies moving through this effervescent market. Then, what can be seen is the use of the corporate governance platform and also the arbitration for the companies that militate in the financial markets in Brazil as in Spain (and in Europe in general).And those files are even more representative since an accurate analysis shows that people who work in the financial market and who eventually find themselves in a position of conflict, act as a way of obtaining personal victories that are much more ego-driven.
  • Referencias
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Do Vale De Almeida Guilherme, L. F. (2018). The arbitration on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) and the Madrid Stock Exchange (BME). AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 6(2), 89–121. Retrieved from


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