The new Criminology under chaos theory


We argue that criminology is not the study of a type of human beings, the criminals, furthermore, it is the study of human behavior according to correlatives social facts. As a consequence, it is a patchwork of fields, It is necessary a multidisciplinary approach, a broad knowledge-base in psychology, sociology, psychiatry, statistic, law, philosophy, economy, Urbanism, computer science, and biology, etc. The criminology try to find out the reasons why people commit crimes, why some individuals in a particular place and in a particular time commit offences. But the real meaning of this is to understand why a person behaves in a particular way. It is not easy to answer to that question. We try to explain why the rates of crime depend on some variables as wealth, age, gender, ethnicity, race, and so on. Also, the criminology wants to know why some societies make some acts crimes and what can be done to prevent crimes and how can we manipulate the variables that influence to stop offenders from committing crimes. Therefor, the main question is to understand the human behavior into societies, but this target it’s so difficult to find out answer that we need to incorporate to this methanalysis the theory of chaos, in order to try to avoid a reductionism categorical study. The prognosis of future human behavior is so hard-to-predict that should be regarded as a complex system. The unpredictability of complex systems requires new theories such as the «butterfly effect» and and also to transverse scientific approaches that reject the rigid scientific categories.
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Rodríguez Magariños, F. G. (2017). The new Criminology under chaos theory. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 5(2), 59–85. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Faustino Gudín Rodríguez Magariños

Univ. Alcalá de Henares
Magistrado/Letrado de la Administración de Justicia (Excedente)Doctor en Derecho/Licenciado CriminologíaProf. Asociado de la Univ. Alcalá de Henares/Fundación Gregorio Peces Barba