Right to decide and self-determination in the Catalan case. Analysis and reflection according to the Spanish Constitutional Law


The paper analyzes the issue of the right to decide and self-determination in the current case of Catalonia from a legal point of view and within the Spanish constitutional framework. In particular, this analysis explores three aspects: a) The right to self-determination, general aspects and the Spanish Constitution; b) The right to decide as a regional consultation or referendum under Spanish law; c) Initiative of constitutional reform as a possible way to deal with the separatist aspirations of Catalonia. 
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Olcese Schenone, G. M. (2015). Right to decide and self-determination in the Catalan case. Analysis and reflection according to the Spanish Constitutional Law. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 3(1), 149–180. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/ais/article/view/13892


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Author Biography

Gina Marietta Olcese Schenone

Universidad de Salamanca
Máster en Derecho Español para Juristas Extranjeros. Universidad de Salamanca