Judicial enforcement of Competition Law in Portugal


By tradition, the judicial enforcement of competition law goes together (more or less) with civil legal sanctions (in particular with the nullity of business legal contracts and clauses contrary to competition rules), interim procedural-civil measures and judicial appeals on the decisions of the Competition Authority (AdC) (I). Less traditional and less well rooted are the civil proceedings for damages brought by those harmed by anticompetitive wrongdoing (II). In paragraph III we’ll discuss some specialties in the framework of companies groups (III).
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Coutinho De Abreu, J. M. (2014). Judicial enforcement of Competition Law in Portugal. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 1(2), 43–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/ais/article/view/11509


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Author Biography

J. M. Coutinho De Abreu

Universidad de Coimbra
Palácio dos Grilos, R. da Ilha, 3000-214 Coimbra, Portugal