The needed impulse of restorative justice after the European Directive of 2012


n this paper, I will highlight some practical questions that need to be asked of the assumptions underlying the new language and approach in the field of science communication, –that is, the language of public engagement or social appropriation. My goal is to show how an understanding of the political implications of different models of science communication can help us negotiate the relationships of power and authority that are at stake. Recognizing the political complexity of the public engagement context can help in identifying the scholarly questions that need to be explored, as well as the more practical questions that need to be asked in evaluations of particular events, activities, and institutions.
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Tamarit Sumalla, J. M. (2013). The needed impulse of restorative justice after the European Directive of 2012. AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 1(1), 139–160. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Josep M. Tamarit Sumalla

UOC Universidad Abierta de Cataluña
UOC. Avenida Tibidabo, 39-43 - 08035 Barcelona (España)