La audacia del Derecho (Notas prácticas sobre la protección de los consumidores en el marco del Derecho y la Jurisprudencia de la Unión Europea)

  • José María Fernández Seijó
    Magistrado del Juzgado de lo mercantil n. 3 de Barcelona ?[at]


The situation between the consumer and the person or entity who provides the service, manufactures or distributes the good is usually of imbalance; rarely the consumer is able to impose guidelines or provisions which regulate the legal relationship. The situation of the consumer however can become a living hell if the good or service doesn’t meet the expectations generated. With the Community directives in the field of protection of consumers and users, primarily the 93/13 of the Council of 5 April 1993 about the terms in contracts concluded with consumers, our legal system has been staining terms and concepts of a right of consumption that hasn’t yet been able to be recognized with enough force to become a special legal discipline. Why trying to talk about the courage law, about the boldness of the law on the protection of consumers, because Community law’s indications and Luxembourg Court’s case law determine the unequivocal demand that public authorities are carrying out a «radical» consumer protection. Radical because we have to protect consumers without the consumers need to appeal to the process.
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Fernández Seijó, J. M. (2013). La audacia del Derecho (Notas prácticas sobre la protección de los consumidores en el marco del Derecho y la Jurisprudencia de la Unión Europea). AIS: Ars Iuris Salmanticensis, 1(1), 121–137. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

José María Fernández Seijó

Magistrado del Juzgado de lo mercantil n. 3 de Barcelona
Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 3. Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 111 – 08075 – Barcelona (España)